Friday, November 7, 2014

INTERSTELLAR - Murphy wins. LOVE wins. NOLAN WINS !!!


I will not lie, I never had to scratch my head this hard to write an answer in any of exams. It's not that Interstellar is complex to review, what's tough is to review it without giving away the crucial moments of the film & most importantly to review without capturing the essence of the script/screenplay. So, let me listen to whatever my heart says... And may be in the 3rd dimension or the 5th dimension, my views can be put in the right format.

Nolan's strength has always been the specifics, be it his Following or Memento or the Batman trilogy or Inception or Interstellar, he takes time to form a strong baseline. Having a strong screenplay isn't enough but presenting it effectively, laying out each of those elements in the first act matters the most. Actually it's exactly what makes Nolan's work standout. He follows the same here, we get to know that earth is dying (by dying, it's not playing a good host for humans anymore), we get introduced to a family of 4 - a grandfather, father & his 2 children. The key characters, showing enough bonding between them especially the father & his daughter. The first act firmly lays out Murphy's Law.

The 2nd act takes us through the Theory of Relativity. We're introduced to few more important characters who are basically explorers who in turn take us viewers on an expedition. An expedition to search for a new home. Nolan doesn't forget his basics here, remember he started out with Murphy's Law. As serious the issue is here, he explores the depth of a father-daughter relationship because that's the key ingredient to the entire script, a strong point that holds the entire screenplay together. The stronger the relationship the more prepared you are to face the third & the fourth act. So, begins the emotional ride through the wormhole. Also remember, time flies.

Post interval, Nolan prepares himself to bring the third act to life. It has few surprises thrown at your way & a terrific actor as a separate surprise package. I would not dwell much into here. You get thrown a bunch of Quantum Mechanics here too but yes by now you've reached a new dimension compared to the first 2 acts. Nolan the genius keeps giving you the clues. All you got to do is fetch them & trust his motives. Like I said I'm not going dwell much here, I've strong reasons which you'll know soon, atleast a part of it.

Whatever you watched till now takes not just a 360 degree spin but trust me you'll lose count, provided you dare to count. This is the moment you've been waiting for, this is exactly what you paid for. The movie may or may not be a MASTERPIECE but this fourth act itself is a certified MASTERPIECE. All you've to do hold yourself tight for the experience of your life. It all comes down to this, Murphy's Law vs Theory of Relativity. Love Vs Science. What way Nolan chooses? Will they "STAY" together or Will they "STAY" apart? Every single second of the fourth act, bowls you over. You live the moments.

Still I don't think I can write a review that does full justice to the film. It's Nolan afterall, he demands us to experience his storytelling. Wade through his vision. The third act is actually a bit underwhelming only because we have kept our expectations so high that we take a journey through galaxies & expect every bit of it to work like the FOURTH ACT. We are just greedy, Nolan is greedier. It's not just his actors but he wants his audience to live his vision too.

My Rating - 4.5/5 (Falls a tad bit shorter of a masterpiece, only because of my high expectations which I think the third act fell a tad bit short off.)

Final Words - Murphy wins. LOVE wins. NOLAN WINS.

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